Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Breakup Advice - Seven Important Ideas for Getting Over an ex-boyfriend [article from Articleranks]

Breakup Advice - Seven Important Ideas for Getting Over an ex-boyfriend

Get Over a Breakup, Get Over Your Breakup, Get Over Your Ex-Boyfriend

It's a common feeling to think nobody is supporting you when you're attempting to get over a breakup. They don't get what you're going through and even if you are doing your level-best, it's a struggle to forget your ex-boyfriend. Check out the tips and techniques below for help in the days and weeks following the breakup

Break off contact completely for a while

If you're still madly in love with him, and he doesn't reciprocate the feelings, then you're better off making a clean break.

Many women will ignore this advice and try to keep the friendship alive. They have an idea that if they can keep the friendship alive with their ex-boyfriend, he will realize he made a mistake and come crawling back. It is uncommon for that to ever happen.

If you insist on remaining friends with him then be sure to set some ground rules. It's a good idea to avoid the subject of the breakup, or new relationship, or anything else that could reopen old wounds. Discussing these topics will cause you pain and grief. Steer conversations away from emotional topics. You are strong. You can do this even though it's tough.

Delete his phone number from your cellphone

Sending desperate texts in the middle of the night can cause all sorts of embarrassment. Erasing his number will prevent you from calling him to ask why he did this to you, especially when you are feeling low Doing this will seldom bring him back or get an answer. It makes you look pathetic and drives your ex-boyfriend even further away.

Erase his old emails

Re-reading his old emails can be complete torture.. The smartest thing you can do for your own mental health is delete them. If you are unable to bring yourself to delete all his emails, the next best thing is to burn them onto a DVD and hide it somewhere.

While you're at it, remove him as you friend on Facebook.

Remove all the reminders of him from your life

Take all the photos, mementos and pictures from your relationship and put them in a storage box. Put them in the back of your wardrobe or under the bed. It doesn't matter as long as it's out of sight. If there are things of his that are valuable then give them back. Throw out any junk like his old toothbrush.

Transform the look and feel of your place

This can seems like a ridiculous idea, but it's a great way to change your mood and give yourself a fresh new start. Obviously be careful with your finances. You don't want to change everything if you can't afford it. Even minor changes can make a difference like go out and get yourself new bed linen or get a friend to help you move the furniture around the room.

Take time out to focus on your life

When you were in your relationship you lose a lot of time. This is chance to get back into doing all the stuff you enjoy, but missed out on because you were spending time with your ex-boyfriend. Take up a new hobby, go shopping, take cooking classes. Start living your life again by doing whatever it takes.

Keeping yourself busy is one of the easiest methods to get over your breakup.

It's a smart idea to avoid rebounds

Rebound relationships are normal part of the healing process. If possible it's best to avoid them. If you do have a rebound relationship make sure to follow these simple rules:

1. Stay away from old ex-boyfriends

2. Try not to rebound with someone from your work

3. Don't hook up with any guy you would not normally find attractive

4. Sleeping with his friends or your friends will hurt everyone

5. The golden rule is: If you're too drunk to drive, you're too drunk to rebound

If you are interested in learning more about how to get over a breakup check this out:

tags:get over a breakup,get over your breakup,get over your ex-boyfriend,get over an ex-boyfriend

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