Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

What to Know When Growing Beans [article from Articleranks]

What to Know When Growing Beans

All About Fungal Attacks and Pests
You wont get into a lot of trouble with pests when growing beans, except during seeding. Snails and slugs love young plants, so it important to protect them. Although you can pick snails off the ground one by one it is better to use a snail trap. Snail traps are beer in a glass jar planted into the ground. Snails are deadly drinkers because they drown in the booze when they are drunk. You can make a fence like thing with broken egg shells because snails hate crawling over them to reach your plants. Other weird ways to stop snails would be a copper strip you attach to your pot. There is also a spray to repel them with but I haven't tried it. I wouldn't recommend using them if you are growing blackberries because berries are easily infected.

If you are having trouble with caterpillars, then I suggest using an organic spray called Dipel which the active ingredient is Bacillus thuringiensis. You won't cause harm to yourself, your kids and other insects. The all in one solution for dealing with white flies, aphids and even caterpillars, you can use longlife pyrethrum.

I don't have much trouble with insects but diseases, that's another story. It has a dramatic effect on the plants, causing the beans to taste bitter and horrible. It will also greatly reduce the total yield of your beans. To deal with plant diseases you need to prepare a teaspoon of bicarbonate soda and a litre of water. This thing doesn't last very long at all because the skim milk will go bad pretty fast so don't make a lot in one go. If there's one friend in the garden it is this lady bird with yellow and black bands. She will devour the mildew so keep them alive. These lady birds also prevent any tomato diseases too.

If your plants get rust, which usually presents itself under the leaves and is the colour orange, stop watering over head and try increase the air circulation. There are no chemicals or methods to remove this rust completely but there are ways you can control it. Don't use these chemicals unless you have to because they are very strong. Especially don't use them if you are buying fruit trees because if they die your investment goes to waste.

tags:gardening,growing beans,how to grow,grow vegetables,garden

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